Schools Honored for Teaching Excellence

LLC is proud to announce the schools honored for their students’ achievements in Lakota language learning over the past two school years, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013.  Awards for achievement were presented at the Lakota-Dakota Language Summit in Rapid City, SD on November 14-16, 2013.   Hukhúčiyela Owáyawa Iyótaŋ Iglúwašte 2011-2012 (Most Improved Elementary School) – Wakpala‐Smee

2014 LSI Registration Opens

Another great LSI is just around the corner... June 2-20, 2014 at Sitting Bull College For a map and directions to the event, click here. 2014 LSI Courses Offered: Intensive Lakota for Beginners 1-3 Intensive Lakota for Upper-Beginners 1-3 Teaching Lakota 1-5 Methods Lakota Drama/ Performance ( Another Iktomi Play!) Teaching Lakota Grammar 1-3 Intensive

Coming Soon, a New LLC Web Page!

You might have noticed that lately your clicks have been directed to a new address for the LLC web site. Yep, we're under construction. Our new page will be completed and launched by March 2014.  This time around we're going with WordPress. See you there, soon!

Flute Lesson Book Available for Pre-Order

In our last Newsletter we told you about renowned Lakota Flute player Kevin Locke’s desire to re-introduce the traditional indigenous flute tuning and melodies to schools, and the class he led with music educator Richard Dubé at the 2013 Lakota Summer Institute.   The lesson book they co-wrote for playing traditional Native flute nearly ready for publication and shipping in early Spring.  Pre-orders for Šiyótȟaŋka Yažópi!  Play Lakota

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