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Latest in Lakota Language Consortium News

NEW! Lakota Language Teaching and Learning Program

This year’s class is represented by an 11-student cohort (Pictured above with professors Kim Campbell, front-center, and Jan Ulrich, 3rd from right)

This year, an exciting new partnership has formed between LLC’s sister organization The Language Conservancy and the University of North Dakota (UND). The program, Lakota Language Teaching and Learning (LLTL), is a 2-year degree which will certify students to teach Lakota in both tribal and public schools nationwide. Members of the cohort began their degree program this past July at the 2019 Lakota Summer Institute North, taking two courses: Lakota Linguistics for Teachers and Lakota Language. Future courses will cover Lakota grammar, communicative Lakota, and teaching methods.

Students will take 3 semesters of courses on UND’s campus, followed by one semester student teaching with a mentor. After graduating, they will go on to commit at least three years to teaching Lakota in any tribal or public school.

Learn more about the program on UND’s website.

Check out this video from INFORUM’s piece on LSI – North to hear one current LLTL student explain his motivation for pursuing this degree.

Wrapping up the Lakota Summer Institutes 

The Lakota Summer Institutes have officially come to a close for 2019!

This summer, LLC instructors taught a total of 28 class sessions over the course of five weeks. At LSI South, five course tracks were offered – three beginner tracks, one pre-intermediate track, and one native speaker/teacher track. 70 students came to LSI South this year! At LSI North, three course tracks were offered – one beginner, one pre-intermediate, and one for the LLTL cohort. 30 students came to LSI North this year!

Special thanks to our partners at Oglala Lakota College and the University of North Dakota for their expertise in moderating and hosting the institutes. At both institutes, we are building a solid base of Lakota language warriors. We hope to see you in 2020!

Hear from the participants themselves!
Follow the links below to watch two interviews from this year’s summer institutes!

From LSI South:


From LSI North:


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|||||||||||||||||||| Upcoming Events ||||||||||||||||||||

Lakota Educational Video Series

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new educational video series on the Lakota language. These videos will introduce various patterns of the language (such as conjugation and word order), discuss interesting topics regarding teaching and learning Lakota, and offer intriguing perspectives on numerous areas related to the language. There will also be videos with narratives by fluent Lakota language speakers.

We plan to post several videos a year on the LLC YouTube channel, website, and Facebook. Stay tuned on these sites to hear the latest updates.

This is the first video of the Lakota educational series. Hear an extended exploration of the history of the Lakota orthography beginning with Ella Deloria’s work.

Lakota Language Weekends –

Rapid City, SD + Denver, CO

Participants in the Lakota Language Weekend in New York pose for a group photo (February 2018)

Couldn’t make it to one of the Summer Institutes? There’s still a chance for you to join one of our programs this year! LLC is putting on two Lakota Language Weekends this Fall.

Join us in Rapid City, SD on October 5th-6th and/or Denver, CO on October 19th-20th.

Follow our Facebook page for more information, including locations!

Tókša akhé    Until next time!

– the LLC Team

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