#LSI2014 #SittingBullCollege #StandingRockSiouxTribe #EndangeredLanguages #LakotaLanguage

Ben Black Bear Jr.

The energy of the young people at LSI keeps the elders on their toes!

Board Work

It’s clear the long, hard work of the elders has paved the way for this wave of younger students …

A good connection …

…  and the elders’ enthusiasm keeps them moving forward.

It must be Friday …

Today, Friday, is the end of Section 1 for the intensive language study classes.  And that means tests!

Next Friday, of course, is going to be something special! Everyone is supercharged about the news of President Obama’s visit to the powwow on Standing Rock on June 13th. Classes will let out early so everyone can go welcome him and the First Lady. https://youtu.be/gK1dr0ylvwE

Until then – more learning!  It’s a real workout.

Kim Campbell and Waniya Locke