Language Technology

LLC has been working hard to ramp up its language learning technology! We know how important it is to make language learning tools accessible to young learners.

We’re excited to announce our plans to re-launch our Lakota Language learning platform, Owóksape for alpha testing this Spring!

We’ll be demonstrating many of the exciting features of Owóksape at our Summer Institutes – don’t miss your chance to give it a try!

Summer of Lakota Learning!

We’re gearing up for this year’s Summer Institutes. Join us for a summer of Lakota language learning!

LLC is offering two Institutes again this year:

LSI South at Oglala Lakota College
May 27 – June 7
LSIS is a free event, organized for residents and tribal members of Pine Ridge in order to build a community of teachers and language learners.

This year we will have 5 tracks with beginner, pre-intermediate, and teacher levels in Communicative Lakota, Lakota Grammar, Lakota Writing for Teachers, and Teaching Methods.



LSI North at University of North Dakota
July 8 – 26

LSIN is the full Summer Institute experience with the most courses. Live, eat, and study all in one place! The institute will offer 3 tracks with beginner and pre-intermediate levels in Communicative Lakota and Lakota Grammar.

Register here!

The following costs need to be paid to Lakota Language Consortium no later than June 15, 2019:

Class Tuition: $150/week ($450 for all 3 weeks)

UND Selke Hall: $380 (double room) or $760 (single room) for all 3 weeks.

Classes Plus Accomodations Total: $830 (double room) or $1,210 (single room) for all 3 weeks, rooms included.

*For those with cost inquiries, please email or call 812-340-5287.

The following costs will be paid directly to the University of North Dakota:

Professional Development Credits: $50/class ($300 for all 6 classes). More details to come.

Meals: All meals can be purchased on an individual basis at the University dining hall. More details to come.

Parking: Daily permits are $5/day. Weekly permits are $20/week. Permits can be purchased online or in-person at Parking Services.

Summer Institutes are great opportunities for teacher/professional development or language learning.

Language Weekends Wrap-Up

Our language weekends are not only great opportunities to learn Lakota, but an opportunity to connect with other language learners.

This year we had a fantastic turnout at both our Rapid City and New York City Lakota Language Weekends!

The LLC weekend workshops are a great place to introduce yourself to the Lakota language. The teachers are knowledgeable and passionate about the language and make learning fun. Whether you are entirely new to the language or have some background knowledge, there is definitely something for everyone at these workshops. Past participants have been happily surprised with the fact that they could talk and understand some Lakota even after the first day. The skills instilled throughout the weekend promote a basis for self learning long after the workshop is over. “I would thoroughly recommend this course, even for those who think that can’t learn another language, or who are afraid to get back into the classroom. – John B, LLW NYC attendee

We’re planning even more Language Weekends in fall this year. Stay tuned for more details!

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