The Road Ahead  

The Lakota Language Consortium wants to thank you and wish you a Happy New Year!

We’re proud of the accomplishments we made towards Lakota language revitalization in 2018, but we couldn’t have done it without you.

Consider making a year-end donation today to help support our mission going into 2019!

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New Reading Materials and Apps for 2019

The Lakota Language Consortium is making a major push towards developing new reading materials and apps for 2019!

We’re honored to be releasing unpublished works by novelist, Ella Deloria, who was committed to recording Native American oral history and legends.

We’ll also be refining the features of our revolutionary new Lakota Language self-study learning platform, Owóksape.

LLC and UND Partnership

The Lakota Language Consortium has partnered with the University of North Dakota to start a new Lakota teaching degree program and to fund scholarships for 14 students to complete the program. We’re excited to be working with such a dedicated team at UND and we can’t wait to see the program grow!

Click here to learn more about the Lakota Language Teaching and Learning Program.

Language Weekends

In 2019, the Lakota Language Consortium will be hosting Language Weekends in New York City, Rapid City, and Denver.

These weekends are designed to be fun and engaging experiences for young language learners. You’ll be impressed by how much you can learn using our new communicative approach to language learning! After one weekend, you’ll have the confidence to move forward on your own path of self study.

Want a Language Weekend hosted in your city? You’ll get a chance to have your voice heard. Stay tuned!

Summer institutes

Our Summer Institutes were a huge success this year! We hosted 2 institutes at LSI North (United Tribes Technical College) and Lakota Summer Academy (Oglala Lakota College). We love empowering people by giving them the tools they need to educate themselves and others.

LLC has a busy summer ahead! We’ll be hosting 2 Summer Institutes in June and July. It’s our hope to serve more people than ever before! Be sure to join us on our language Journey.

LLC Awards

Every year the Lakota Language Consortium administers pre and post assessments for students from participating schools. Measuring the effectiveness of the vocabulary and lesson topics of the different textbooks that the Lakota Language Consortium publishes. At the end of the year, awards are given out to the top performing schools and the most improved schools.

The Lakota Language Awards were announced on Wednesday, Dec. 12 at the Lakota Nation Invitational’s Lakota Language Bowl! Ben BlackBear announced this year’s winners and Alex FireThunder performed an honor song to celebrate the students’ achievements.

This year’s winners are as follows:

Highest Achieving Elementary School

Hukhúčiyela Owáyawa Waŋkátuyeȟčiŋ Wayúštaŋ

Red Shirt School


Highest Achieving Middle School

Waŋkáwapȟaya Owáyawa Waŋkátuyeȟčiŋ Wayúštaŋ

Tiospaye Topa School


Highest Achieving High School

Waŋkáwapȟaya Owáyawa Waŋkátuyeȟčiŋ Wayúštaŋ

Red Cloud Indian School


Most Improved Elementary School

Hukhúčiyela Owáyawa Iyótaŋ Iglúwašte

Wounded Knee District School


Most Improved Middle School

Iyókogna Owáyawa Iyótaŋ Iglúwašte

C-EB Upper Elementary


Most Improved High School

Waŋkáwapȟaya Owáyawa Iyótaŋ Iglúwašte

Solen High School

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