|| What’s Been Happening This Month ||

Latest in Lakota Language Consortium News

Lakota Language Awards at LNI

The Lakota Language Consortium will also present the Lakota Language Awards at the end of the competition on December 18th. Ben Black Bear Jr. will be announcing the awards, which are based on pre/post assessment test scores from the 2018-2019 school year.

Stay tuned to next month’s newsletter for an announcement of the winners.

For more information or to register for the Lakota Language Bowl, visit the Lakota Language Bowl website. The last day to register is December 6th!

Lakota Educational Video Series

Each month, we will be releasing two new videos for the Lakota Educational Video Series on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.

One video will center on informational tidbits about the Lakota language to help those learning the language grasp some of the nuances of it.

The other video will be a narrative by a fluent Lakota language speaker.

This months videos were on the New Lakota Dictionary (NLD) and a narrative from Johnson Holy Rock.

You can watch the videos by clicking their respective links below.

One of this month’s videos focuses on the New Lakota Dictionary (NLD).
The other video released this month is a narrative by Johnson Holy Rock.

The Lakota Media Player App has been updated!

The Lakota Language Consortium is pleased to announce that the Lakota Media Player has been updated.

The update features benefits such as improved Augmented Reality, improvements to in-app downloads and updates, free book content, and bug fixes for a better user experience.

It can be downloaded on both the Apple and Google Play app stores.

Donate while you shop!

Did you know that making a donation to Lakota Language Consortium doesn’t even have to cost you anything extra?

Amazon will donate directly to Lakota Language Consortium through their Amazon Smile program!

All you have to do is select Lakota Language Consortium to receive donations and shop at smile.amazon.com. That’s it! You shop, and Amazon donates.

To select Lakota Language Consortium on Amazon Smile, visit smile.amazon.com and select Lakota Language Consortium as your charity.

Save the date — Lakota Summer Institues

We’re excited to announce the dates for the Lakota Summer Institutes.

Summer Institutes are a great way to continue learning the Lakota language! There are several different learning tracks to match your current speaking level.

The Lakota Summer Institute North will take place at The University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, North Dakota. LSI North will take place from July  6 to July 24.

The Lakota Summer Institute South will take place at Oglala Lakota College in Kyle, South Dakota. LSI South will take place from June 1 to June 12.

Stay tuned for registration links in a future newsletter.

Your contribution will help develop reading materials for intermediate Lakota learners!

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Tókša akhé    Until next time!

– the LLC Team

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