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Latest in Lakota Language Consortium News

Lakota Language Weekends –

Rapid City, SD + Denver, CO

Participants in the Lakota Language Weekend in Denver pose for a group photo (October 2018)

It’s not too late to register for one of the Lakota Language Weekends this fall! These events are perfect if you couldn’t make it to one of the Summer Institutes.

Language Weekends provide an opportunity to learn the language from experienced Lakota Language teachers and connect with other Lakota language learners in your area. Attendees also receive discounted prices on Lakota learning materials sold by Lakota Language Consortium.

Join us in Rapid City, SD on October 5th and 6th and/or Denver, CO on October 19th and 20th. 

Follow our Facebook page for more information.

Owóksape 2.0 

Mark your calendars for October 12th! We’re happy to announce the launch of Owóksape 2.0!

This update comes with several changes to make Owóksape better for users.

Some of the changes include:
-Review algorithm updates, means better user experience and enhanced learning from getting more relevant review questions.
-User Interface changes, new background, loading icon, scroll to current unit, new logo (for desktop users), scrolling & text wrapping for long exercise questions.
-FAQ updates, more questions answered.
-Various bug fixes, such as apostrophe character validation, meaning different versions of the apostrophe character are interchangeable, and users don’t get questions wrong for using the wrong apostrophe.
-User data will be kept intact, and users can start back up where they left off.

We will formally launch Owóksape 2.0 during the NIEA Conference this month in Minneapolis. During the conference we will present “Owóksape: Innovative Online Indigenous Language Learning” in Room M100C from 8 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. on Friday, October 11th and in Room M100C from 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. on Saturday, October 12th.

Download the app today on the iTunes or Google Play app stores. To register for an account, please click here.

Photos of what the application looks like and instructions on how to register are featured below.

Lakota Educational Video Series

In August, Lakota Language Consortium announced the beginning of the Lakota Educational Video Series. Since then, the debut video has had about 1,300 viewers, and the feedback has been tremendously positive.

The new educational video series on the Lakota language will introduce various patterns of the language (such as conjugation and word order), discuss interesting topics regarding teaching and learning Lakota, and offer intriguing perspectives on numerous areas related to the language. There will also be videos with narratives by fluent Lakota language speakers.

We’re looking forward to the release of a second video, which will be released on October 20. This video will be an autobiographical narrative in Lakota by the late chief Dave Bald Eagle.

We plan to post several videos a year on the LLC YouTube channel, website, and Facebook. Stay tuned on these sites to hear the latest updates. The video will be posted to our Facebook page when it is released.

If you missed the first video on the History of Lakota Orthography, you can watch it by clicking on the link below.

This is the first video of the Lakota educational series. Hear an extended exploration of the history of the Lakota orthography beginning with Ella Deloria’s work.

Lakota Language Bowl deadline in December

Attention Lakota teachers! The Lakota Language Bowl is just around the corner, and registration is now open for your students to participate in this exciting event!

The 20th Annual LNI Lakota Language Bowl will take place on December 18 and 19 at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center.

The Lakota Language Bowl allows both Lakota and Dakota students an opportunity to compete using their linguistic knowledge.

The High School and Middle School competition will take place on December 18th, and the Elementary School competition will take place on December 19th.

Team registration is due by December 6th.

For more information or to register, visit the Lakota Language Bowl website.

Can’t attend a Language Weekend this fall?

Don’t worry! We’re in the process of planning Lakota Language Weekends for 2020.

We’re currently looking at Minneapolis, Seattle, Los Angeles and San Francisco. If you wish to make your preference known or want to recommend a different city, contact the Lakota Language Consortium on social media.

Your contribution will help develop reading materials for intermediate Lakota learners!

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Tókša akhé    Until next time!

– the LLC Team

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