Our last post introduced you to the NLD-Pro, an interactive version of the New Lakota Dictionary that can be downloaded to your computer’s desktop. (Bye-bye, wi-fi!) Here is another new product coming from LLC this Fall, that takes Lakota language study into new realms.
This is a 10-CD set that provides more than 10 hours of instruction in conversational Lakota – using the same lesson structures and repetition and review techniques found in popular self-instruction systems like Pimsleur and Rosetta Stone. It is provided for those self-study learners who want to practice the language while driving, and want to hear Lakota used for ordinary social situations.
“Will you dance with me?”
is one of the dialogue phrases.
Ben Black Bear, Jr., in the recording studio.
The Audio Series lessons provide dialogues, pronunciation and vocabulary guides, and even explanation and demonstration of those Lakota things that sound impossible at first — the stative verb and the ablaut.
The Series is spoken by fluent first-language elders Ben Black Bear, Jr. and Iris Eagle Chasing. Ms. Eagle Chasing is a Lakota language teacher at Takini School in Howes, SD (Cheyenne River) and Mr. Black Bear is the Director of Lakota Studies at St. Francis Mission School in St. Francis, SD (Rosebud). You might recognize Mr. Black Bear’s voice from the Lakȟótiya Wóglaka Po! Speak Lakota! Audio CDs, and as the voice of Papa Bear in the Matȟó Waúŋšila Thiwáhe (Lakota Berenstain Bears) cartoon series.
The Audio Series is available now for pre-order, and shipping is slate to begin in November.