Lakota Fonts

In January 2016, the LLC updated its Lakota Keyboard and Fonts Bundle, courtesy of SoftMaker Fonts. Have you tried out the new fonts on your computer yet? Here are a few reasons why these fonts are so special…

1). Part of the Lakota revitalization effort is to move the language forward and help it adapt to an ever-evolving world of technology. Every day, Lakota learners and fluent speakers are using the language on Facebook, and using apps developed by the LLC to learn vocabulary and look up words.

2). Lakota has a number of unique sounds that require special letters. Most fonts out there don’t provide these letters. That’s why we’re so excited about this collaboration with SoftMaker, who have generously donated 20 fonts that cover the Lakota alphabet for Lakota language learners. This is one of the ways LLC collaborates with technology manufactures to make learning Lakota easier.

Lakota Fonts_in action

3). These fonts allow learners to be more creative with their writing and make it easier for them to incorporate the language into everyday use. Whether you are a teacher writing classroom materials, a community member printing powwow posters, a vendor producing signage in the language, or a tribal school designing fun-run T-shirts, these fonts give you the freedom to use the Lakota language with ease and pride.

4). It’s absolutely FREE. Waŋná Lakȟól’iya wanáȟtagyaya oyákihi ye! Now you too can type Lakota anywhere on your computer — whether you’re posting on Facebook, writing an email or typing a word document. This software includes 30 beautiful fonts so you can make your Lakota writing look the way you want it. Just look for the Lakota Keyboard Layout and Fonts Bundle on our Software and Downloads page here:

To SoftMaker: Mas’óowa waštéšte kiŋ lená yéč’uŋpi kiŋ úŋ líla philáuŋyaŋpi. (Thank you for contributing these beautiful fonts!)