Honoring Mr. Milton Brown Otter, Ms. Velia Salas and Sitting Bull College Graduates

The third week at LSI, on two different occasions, participants gathered to honor Lakota teachers and students. Last year was a particularly difficult one, with the passing of many respected elders and powerful advocates of the Lakota language. LSI teachers, organizers and staff wanted to honor Mr. Milton Brown Otter, former Standing Rock Sioux Tribe councilman,

Ethnobotany Hosts a Potluck!

This week, Linda Black Elk's 3-week Ethnobotany course culminated in a mouthwateringly tasty potluck, all made with freshly picked ingredients and wild meat brought from home. In fact, the during the whole third week Ethnobotany students did daily hands-on activities- making shampoo, lip balm and massage oil - all with the herbal ingredients they learned about throughout

Reflections on LSI 2016

With every consecutive year, we have more and more attendees at LSI. We spoke with participants during week 2 & 3 to bring you a variety of impressions about this year's training. Manny Iron Hawk - Manny, an LSI veteran, has been attending the Institute every year since 2008! He used to teach grades 7-12 at a

LSI 2016 – Week 2 Wrap-up

Aŋpétu kiŋ lé okó ičínuŋpa kiŋ iháŋke kštó.   This week, LSI participants explored the richness of Lakȟótiyapi with courses like Intensive Lakota/Dakota for Elementary II, Neologism Development, Voice Performance & Audio Materials Development, Immersion Methods, Lakota/Dakota Inflectional Morphology II, and others! We caught up with some of our participants to see what they had to say about week

LSI 2016 – Week 1 Wrap-up

Greetings from LSI! The 10th year of our Institute has brought a multitude of new and returning Lakota language learners, totaling around 120 participants in all! This year we also welcomed special visitors from the Mohegan Tribe, the Three Affiliated Tribes, and Apsáalooke Nation, who traveled to the Institute to learn about the best-practice teaching methods that Indian

Honoring Our Lakota Teachers – National Teacher Appreciation Month

May is National Teacher Appreciation Month. May 3 marks the official National Teacher Appreciation Day - a day to honor educators everywhere; a day to honor those who influence and change the lives of young people all over the country. On this occasion, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to those who have

Strengthening our Cultural Partnerships

If you've been keeping up with the LLC and its partners, you already know that in our mission to revitalize Lakota, we provide critical infrastructural support to tribal education departments, schools, and work to increase public awareness on the crisis of disappearing languages. As part of this mission, we're also working on strengthening our cultural partnerships,

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